Kim Beckers

Is Your Business Working for You? Or Are You Working for Your Business?

By Kim Beckers

The excitement is building in our home this week as my 5 year old will be celebrating his 6th birthday on Thursday, wow, time sure does fly when you are having fun!

It got me thinking about how having a lifestyle business has been such a blessing, I get to see my son off to school every day and pick him up from school when he’s done, we already started applying to some great private schools for next year.

Its such a fun and exciting time and it really makes me appreciate having a lifestyle business that allows me to spend this time with my kids and family while serving my clients in an authentic and fun way to do the same thing in their life and business. It truly is freedom on my own terms and its because my business is working for me.

So, this week, I have a question for you, Is your business working for YOU? or are you working for your business?

Before you answer that question, answer these questions:

– Are you are earning a good living?

– Are you are doing what you love to do?

– Do you have a lifestyle business that allows you to do the things (outside of work) you enjoy doing?

– Are you making an impact with your message?

This is a good starting place, there are many other questions you could ask yourself depending on what it is you are trying to create.

If you answered no to any of the above questions, don’t worry, I’d like to share some quick strategies to help you fix it.

The first step to “fixing” what ever is not working for you is to make the decision that you are going to change it. This means you need to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone because the truth is, that’s the only way to get different results.

Next, you need to commit to the decision, 100% decide that you are willing to do what it takes to change it and be committed to your own success. Commit to learning a new way.

Next, you need to throw perfectionism out the window. Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and place for details and for things being “perfect” but, if you want to succeed as a business owner you need to get rid of the perfectionism energy because it keeps you stuck.

The second step is to look at your business model, ie, how you are bringing money into your business, is it one on one, is it leveraged, is passive? Next, look at what you are charging; is it inline with the lifestyle you want to create? Or do you need to uplevel your pricing?

Now, I am not saying just go ahead and double prices, I know a lot of people talk about raising prices and doubling what you are charging now, here’s the thing though, you need to look at value and you need to look a t packaging your offerings for your ideal client.

This is where clarity comes in, with who your ideal client is, what problem you are helping them to solve, etc, If you truly want to have a lifestyle business and have your business work for you, instead of you for your business, its best to have a combination of revenue streams in your business that allow you to bring in consistent income without chewing up all your time.

It also helps to learn how to leverage technology and the Internet to reach more people so that you have a bigger impact. And of course, my favorite, you have to systems in place in your business. The truth is systems equal freedom in any business and if you want to have a lifestyle business, you MUST have systems in place in your business.

Are you ready to get your business working for you? Let’s talk to see if one of my VIP programs is right for you, just Click Here to get started.

Kim is masterful at seeing holes and where you’re leaving money on the table in your biz. She’s a storehouse of information and knows what works and doesn’t with more than a decade of experience and brings a unique combination of experience and insight, with systems, marketing skills and a deep understanding of the mechanics of business on and offline.

Are ready to grow your business? Click Here to Discover the 7 Foundational Blocks to Multi-6-Figure Business Success.

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