Mike Pagan

Life Style Business

By Mike Pagan

Your “lifestyle” business is meant to provide you with your lifestyle.

What is the purpose of being in business? To change the world, to provide a sustainable source of energy for life on the planet or simply to fulfil that burning desire to be your own boss and make enough money to pay the bills? For many years a “lifestyle” business has been portrayed in a slightly derogatory way – if you have a lifestyle business then you are obviously playing at working and not all that serious about it. Much of the time a “lifestyle” business has been seen as a part-time business, something that is done around the kids school run or in between other activities, it is thought to be amateur at best!

Wait a minute… isn’t the aspiration of most business owners to have a business that works even when they are not, that continues to thrive and survive even when they are on holiday? For those of you not sure what a holiday is, we will address that more fully in a future article). So surely then, the direction and focus of most businesses is to create a desired “lifestyle” as a result of the gains achieved from running the business.

Many of you will know the phrase “JOB” – Just Over Broke – this is how many of you felt when you used to have a “proper job” – out of control, doing what you were told and not enjoying where you were heading. However if you have a business that gives you the “lifestyle” you wish for then surely by implication you are doing the right things.

The issue we do need to address here is the potential of having exchanged one challenging boss for another, even worse one; are you just slaving away now for the worst boss in the world?

That would be you – the one you see in the mirror every day.

I aspire towards and focus on having the best “lifestyle” business in the world that is right for me, and it certainly isn’t some part-time, have-a-go business, it rocks! My challenge to you is to understand truly what your business is designed for? Paying the mortgage, buying lots of gadgets and toys or is it something more personal. For most you I am sure it is the latter – a balanced ‘lifestyle business’ that works for you.

Be proud of your reason for being in business.

Mike Pagan is a highly sought after professional motivational speaker, conference speaker, and business coach.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Pagan


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