Ep 25: Kevin Kelly – WIRED Co-Founder, Polymath, Most Interesting Man In The World
Kevin Kelly is amazing. He is a co-founder of WIRED Magazine, diverse polymath, and my nominee for the real “Most Interesting Man In The World.” This is a multi-part interview. Read all about him at kk.org. Show notes and links coming soon to www.fourhourworkweek.com/podcast Source: Tim Ferriss – The 4 hour workweek
Ep 24: Kevin Rose – Gut Bacteria, Meditation, Startups, and More
Yes, Kevin Rose is back. He was my first ever guest on this podcast, and now he’s causing more trouble. All shownotes and links at www.fourhourworkweek.com/podcast Enjoy! Tim Source: Tim Ferriss – The 4 hour workweek
SPI 123 : Turning a So-So Blog into a So-Profitable Brand – Gretchen and Jason from Woodland Bakery
Gretchen’s blog about baking was doing okay, but she questioned whether or not to keep going. Then, she connected with Jason who helped take her so-so blog, and turn it into an extremely profitable brand with a HUGE audience. Here’s how it all happened… SPI 123 : Turning a So-So Blog into a So-Profitable Brand […]
Ep 23: Do “Homeopathic” Remedies or Medicine Work?
This short (<10 min) episode explores the realities and science of "homeopathy," a controversial approach to medicine. This episode also explains common logical fallacies that you can guard against in all areas of life. Source: Tim Ferriss – The 4 hour workweek
SPI 122 : From Teachers to Totally Rocking it Online – Shane and Jocelyn Sams Share their Success Story
Some of the most popular and relatable episodes of The SPI Podcast involve success stories from those who have successfully built a business outside of the Internet Marketing, Online Business and Blogging niches. In other words, there are more ways to build a successful online business and make money online than just talking about how […]