Tiffany Pigee

Womenpreneur Success Tips!

By Tiffany Pigee

“When I’m working, I feel like I need a vacation, but when I’m on vacation, I feel like I should be working.” This is guilt at its best! Guilt shouldn’t stop you from striving for success in business or our personal lives. In fact, you probably want to achieve balance in both areas. Many entrepreneurs will tell you what they’re doing now is more rewarding and fulfilling than anything that they have ever done. It’s certainly not easy, but it’s so worth it.

Tips for Womenpreneur Success!

Be Organized.

Clutter = Chaos

Your time is valuable and even more so now that your livelihood depends on what you actually do when you are in the office. The security of the traditional work place is void now. There is no set schedule to tell you when to clock in or out, take breaks, or go home. With that in mind, you can’t afford to waste time looking for files, searching for your day planner, or finding a pen. Decide now to get everything in order and in a place where you and your future assistant can find it with ease.

Have a plan.

Failure to Plan = Planning to Fail

Most entrepreneurs use some sort of planner to balance their work life with their family life. (Personally, I love the Her Point of View organizer system by Franklin Covey). Ideally, try to keep both personal and work related appointments together in order to avoid double booking your schedule. With the hectic schedule of an entrepreneur, it may not always work, but you need to set aside hours for when you’re going to get your work done. If you just wait for it to happen, it never will. You literally need to plan for set office hours or time in the office just for paperwork and follow-up. Don’t allow your new found freedom to sabotage your workload.

So Long 9 to 5

Set Hours = Limits on Life

Break out of the 9-to-5 tradition. Your new hours as a Womanpreneur might start before your family wakes up and continue into the next morning. Prioritize appointments that need to be accomplished in person during the traditional business hours. Keep in mind that e-mail, filing, faxing, and other office duties can be completed at any hour.

Schedule a Celebrate You Day.

Personal Celebration = Self Love

At Sugar and Spice, we believe in celebrations! And in the midst of your chaotic Womanpreneur world, we think that you should take a day (or half a day) and make it your Celebrate Me Day! Understand now that there will never be enough time in the day to get everything done. Your voice mail will still be full if you get sick, so learn to accept that some things can wait. It may seem cliche, but the truth is: You have to take care of yourself in order to take care of your family, your business and your home. Now you may have to devote more time in the office on the days surrounding your weekly celebration, but you will find that it improves your overall performance to have time blocked off just for you.

Stay focused, and don’t get sidetracked.

Path to Success = Focus

One of the hardest things for womenprenuers, especially those that work from home, is to master not getting distracted by life (laundry, children, significant others, dishes)…the list doesn’t end.

This is where your trusty day planner comes in handy. Don’t just use it to write down your appointments; use it to plan your life. Monthly, jot down what you want to get done. Weekly, create a plan of execution to ensure that you are progressively moving towards success. Daily, reflect on the choices and actions needed to achieve your monthly goal. If you use these steps to stay focused on the end result, you will find yourself successful.

Sweet Spot: Write down the number one reason that you started your own business and place it in plain eye view. On days that are stressful or frustrating read it out loud to yourself (as a positive reminder of why you do what you do).

As an entrepreneur, you juggle many different job titles and obligations. The weight of your business falls on you. Create your own balance so that you are empowered to reach your goals. Balance is sometimes an aspiration that we all hope to achieve, yet can cleverly escape us.

At the end of the day you have to acknowledge all that you accomplished and know that the fact that you did it (and did it with grace) and will do it again tomorrow means that you have mastered your balance as well as anyone else.

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Tiffany Pigee
Editor and Founder

Tiffany Pigee is a rising star in the publication and media industry. She is the creator and publisher of Sugar & Spice Magazine, a dynamic publication calling women to the forefront of excellence and carrying her personal slogan for life, Celebrate everything you’re made of! Currently servicing as the CFO of Black Crest United Corporation, Tiffany is a focused entrepreneur and accomplished business woman.

Tiffany’s desire is to motivate and empower women to reach higher, dream bigger and achieve the impossible. A young and loving wife and mother of four, Tiffany has overcome statistical and stereotypical odds through her faith, perseverance and determination. She is driven every second, of every minute, of every day with a passionate calling to embolden women to the fact that they too can live a fulfilled life of purpose and destiny. Her commitment to excellence and integrity is evident in her exemplary leadership and dedication to the kingdom of God.

Through honest, quick witted and thought-provoking delivery, Tiffany Pigee has the ability to speak life into any situation. Her life experiences have provided effective examples and real life scenarios for her topic of discussion. She will leave your audience with a pro-active life perspective, profound solutions for their dilemmas and excited about their destiny.

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